Select Done (at the bottom of the Real-time View) when you have the light positioned as you like. This will allow you to simply click the exact spot on the model you would like the light to hit and KeyShot will automatically position the light within the environment to cast a highlight on the desired location. The easiest way to adjust your lights is to select the pin, then select the Set Highlight target icon to the left of the Pin list. (You can change the name with a slow double-click on the pin name in the pin list.) Add two more pins for a Key light and a Rim light. This first light will serve as our Fill light.

Each pin you add will represent a single light source. To add your first pin, go to the icons at the top of your pin list and select the left most Add Pin icon to add a new pin to your list. Most users stick with the Color background for their renderings, but Sun & Sky works spectacularly for outdoor renderings, and Image lets you add an image to give your rendering location specific context. Selecting Background from the list gives you background options. This is also where you’ll find your pin’s settings, once they’ve been added and selected from the list.
Below that you have a series of buttons that allow you to customize your environment’s background.To the left you have icons that allow you to delete, organize and target your pins.Just below the tab is your Pin list, which contains any pins you’ve added to your scene as well as folders you’ve introduced to organize your groups of pins.

Open the HDRI Editor by selecting the HDRI Editor tab under the Environment preview. This will add a new environment to the list with no lighting and a flat dark gray background color. To start, locate the Create Blank Environment Map option from the icons to the left of the Environments list.
Let’s explore how to create a quick custom HDRI environment for your KeyShot scenes. KeyShot environment capabilities allow you to drag and drop default lighting environments from the Library, Environments tab, import pre-built HDRI’s from third party libraries, or build them from scratch using the HDRI Editor. The HDRI editor is the perfect solution for rendering realistic lighting, fast.

While the Physical Lights capability is the most accurate way to create realistic lighting and shadows, it can require more resources to render. The KeyShot HDRI editor is a great tool for when you want to create real-world lighting but you’re limited by time or computing power.